Saturday, February 20, 2016

Luxardo Original Maraschino Cherries - Veneto

A knock-out garnish for your craft cocktail from Luxardo, a fifth generation family-owned company founded in Zara, a port city on the Dalmatian coast of what is now Croatia in 1817. During World War II, the family fled to Italy, escaping with only a single cherry sapling and the Luxardo recipe book. 

Luxardo's Maraschino (mar-a-SKI-no) Cherries are proprietary sour marasca cherries that are candied and steeped in a syrup made of cherry juice and sugar.  The Luxardo family exclusively cultivates over 30,000 Marasca Cherry trees in the Veneto region of Italy to produce these jewels.

The cherries are all natural, with no artificial colors, and are certified Kosher to boot!  When only the best will do. L'chayim!

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