Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Timothy Geithner; Tax Cheat, Treasury Secretary Nominee, Forgetful Dope, Italian Wine Lover

The Italian Cellar has been granted an exclusive interview with Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary nominee who yesterday disclosed that he had forgotten to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for several years while he worked for the International Monetary Fund and employed an immigrant housekeeper who briefly lacked proper work papers.

The Italian Cellar: Good afternoon Mr. Geithner, thanks for taking the time to speak with us.

Timothy Geither: Sorry I'm so late, I forgot we had an appoinment for 9 A.M.; my bad.

TIC: Indeed. Tell us what makes Italian wine so special for you.

TG: Well it was back several years ago; I'm a little fuzzy about exactly what year. Anyway, I was out having dinner with the fellas from the IMF talking about our immigrant housekeepers -

TIC: Which restaurant?

TG: You know, I can't recall. I think it was Italian; wait a minute, maybe it was French....or tapas. In any case, the wine pairing was terrific, and I thought, wow, I should eat more seafood; and less carbohydrates.

TIC: Very insightful.

TG: Sorry I'm so late, I forgot we had an appointment for 9 A.M.; my bad. Well, what questions do you have for me? This is about Spanish wine, isn't it?

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